العودة إلى المنزل

Manage Tickets Overview

Manage tickets overview page shows you all the options available to you under the manage tickets section. There are multiple…

Open A Ticket

Every ticket generated via your survey can be viewed in your ticket system portal. You can open a ticket, manage…

Change Ticket Status

You can change ticket status from the ticket system. When a ticket is generated, it is marked as New ticket…

Change The Priority of a Ticket

The priority of a ticket determines its importance. When a ticket is generated and the concerned user sees it, the…

Create a Sub-ticket

Sub-ticket is a feature that allows you to create a smaller ticket for an existing ticket. This feature is often…

Comments in A Ticket

Comments functionality in the ticket allows you to add a comment for your team members as a form of direct…


Settings on the ticket systems page allow you to manage the settings of the Tickets, including managing the fields and…

Add Custom Status

Status on a ticket refers to the stage in which the ticket currently is. By default, Survey2Connect offers you three…

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