العودة إلى المنزل

The first step of creating an intuitive dashboard is by going to your Dashboard home page and adding a new Dashboard to your list. You can create a dashboard to present your survey response data in a visual manner. Rather than showing numbers, the dashboard allows you to showcase the same data with bars and graphs, and charts. You can further analyze your data for insights using the dashboard feature.

With Survey2Connect, you can create a dashboard from your surveys from the library or you can import a survey file from your device, providing you with third-party support. The steps to create a dashboard are as follows:

1. انتقل إلى لوحة القيادة section of your account

1. انتقل إلى Create New

You can create a dashboard that shows all your survey data in visual form3. Enter the name for لوحة القيادة and your Dashboard would be created


مقالات مماثلة

Step 6: Sharing & Restriction

Once you have customized the design, it is time to publish your Dashboard and share it with your team. You…

Step 5: Customizing Your Dashboard

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Step 4: Creating A Widget

You can add a widget in your Dashboard from Survey2Connect’s collection of 13 widget types. The widgets let you present…

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