العودة إلى المنزل

Dashboard Overview

The dashboard overview page gives you a glimpse into the features available under the Dashboard section. The dashboard lets you…

Step 1: Creating a Dashboard

The first step of creating an intuitive dashboard is by going to your Dashboard home page and adding a new…

Step 2: Adding Data Source

The source is the base data you acquire from the survey to make your dashboard. You can use multiple sources…

Step 3: Planning Your Dashboard

Dashboards put data sources into charts, tables, and other visualizations called widgets. These widgets can be organized onto pages of…

Step 4: Creating A Widget

You can add a widget in your Dashboard from Survey2Connect’s collection of 13 widget types. The widgets let you present…

Step 5: Customizing Your Dashboard

Till now, we’ve covered how to set up your dashboard data, learned to design our dashboards for the people who…

Step 6: Sharing & Restriction

Once you have customized the design, it is time to publish your Dashboard and share it with your team. You…

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