  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Publish feature is a new addition to the process of creating a survey. While earlier users could directly make changes to the survey and it would have reflected the live version of the survey, now users need to publish the survey to make a change permanent to the live survey.

The changes made on the survey are saved as a draft now and any user wishing to make the changes permanent to the survey needs to publish it. However, the button would remain inactive if there is no changes to be published. Once you make changes to your survey, the publish button would become active.

With the addition of the publish button, users also have the option to check the publishing history, showing the data of everytime a change was made live to the survey. The publishing history page shows the name of the user who published the page, the version info, IP address of the device from which the changes were made and Publish date and time.

Alongisde the publishing history, users would also be able to restore the survey to a previous version, restoring the changes made to the survey.

Publish History

Under the publish history section, users would be able to track all the times the survey was published. Click on the Publish history button and you would be shown the popup with all the piblishing history data available.

Published By: This shows who published the survey. Users would be able to see the email of the person who published the changes.

Version: This shows the version of the survey that was published. Every time a new change is saved, it becomes a new version.

Device Info: This shows the IP address of the device from which the changes were made.

Published Date: This shows the date and time when the changes were published.


Goto Previous Version

Using this feature, users can restore the survey to its previous version. This would undo the changes. This button would only be functional if the survey has a previous version to restore itself to. Once you click on it, a popup would appear asking for confirmation. Click on Yes to restore the survey to previous version.

All the features combined now would allow users to have more control over an active survey, ensuring that every change made on a live survey is well recorded and users can go back to a previous version with a click of one button