Question Types Overview
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Question Types Overview

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Article summary

Question Types Overview page gives you a glimpse of a wide range of question types available for you. Creating a survey using Survey2Connect has never been easier. With a variety of questions available to you, you can pick and choose the question type which suits your survey the best. You can choose from:


Single Choice

This type of question is best suited when you want customers to select one answer from the list of answer choices.


Multiple Choice

This is used when you want customers to select multiple answers from the given list of answer choices.


Net Promoter Score

Use this question type to ask your customers to rate their satisfaction score with your products/services/brand. The score would be calculated automatically when you go to the analysis section.


Multi Net Promoter Score

This question type is used to ask your customers to rate their satisfaction score with multiple products/services/brands. The score would be calculated automatically when you go to the analysis section.


Single Textbox

This question type is used when you want the respondents to answer with a small text or a numeric answer.


Drop Down

Use this question type when you want the respondents to pick one answer from the given list of answer choices. You can add as many answer choices as you want.



This question type is used when you want your customers to rank your numerous products/services/brands.


Multiple Textboxes

This question type is used to collect multiple short text or numeric answers. You can use this question type to get contact details and other details of the customers.


Matrix/Rating Scale

Use this question type to get ratings for multiple products/services/brands. You can use multiple products to be rated across a universal rating scale set by you. 


Matrix Dropdown

Use this question type to ask customers to evaluate several items/products/services using a universal set of measurements. The customers can choose from a pre-set answer choices presented in a drop-down list.


Matrix Textboxes

This question type is used when you want respondents to answer either a short text or numeric answer for various products/services/ brands using the same set of columns



Used for asking customers to rate your products/services/brands. You can use multiple products/brands to be rated simultaneously. 


Graphical Rating

This question is used to ask respondents to rate products/brands/services using a graphical rating scale. You choose multiple products/brands and you can also choose the graphics shown to the respondents.



Used for asking customers to fill in their contact information including name, address, and other contact information.


Long Text

This question type is used when your respondents to provide long text answers. This is used when you want feedback from your respondents.



This is used to write a long statement in the survey. You can use it to describe any piece of information you wish to provide to the respondents.


Date and Time

This is used when you want the respondents to enter their answers in the date and time format. 


File Upload

Used when you want your customer to upload a file in the survey. This is helpful in cases where you want your customers to upload their receipt or any other media file.



This question type acts as a rating scale for your customers. They can move the slider to give your product/brand/service a rating as per their experience. 



This is used to password protect your survey form and only those who have the password can take the survey. You can also use OTP as a replacement for Password. 

Note: The availability of question types depends on your subscription plan.

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