Priority Logic
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Priority Logic

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Article summary

Priority Logic is used when you want to set the priority of some particular answer choices. You can change the order of the options for each respondent based on the criteria or even without criteria. This is done in cases where there are too many answer choices and you want to prioritize some answer choices from the list. You can also create criteria and the logic will only be activated if the criteria are met. 


Example of Priority Logic 

Let’s take an example of Priority Logic. Let’s say you have a multiple choice question and you want to prioritize two options at the top(Shirts& T-shirts), without any condition. In order to get the Priority Logic to work, you would need to apply logic to the corresponding question. Before you can add logic, you would need to create a Priority list and place the answer choices you want to see at the top. Your priority list would determine which options would remain at the top. 


Let’s see how would that work. Since we have no condition, the survey would move to Question 4 with Prioritizing the selected options.

This is how the options choices are displayed without logic. Now we will see how it would look with the logic

We have two prioritized options at the top.


The steps to adding a Priority Logic to a question are as follows: 


1. Go to the question you want to add the logic to

2. Click on the Logic button on the right side of the question

3. Select Priority Logic

4. Create a Priority List

         a. Enter the name of the list

5. Select the order of the option

6. Click on the Save button to save the list

7. Click on Priority Logic

8. Select the Criteria or no condition. You can also set a condition for the case when the criteria are not met. You can assign a different priority list for the case. You can also create multiple conditions by using +Else If. Select the criteria and Priority list. You can assign individual priority list for each condition.  

9. Select the Priority List you have just created

10. Click on Save Changes


Multiple Conditions: You can create multiple criteria using +Else if to make a Priority List for different user choices. For this to work, you need to have a separate priority list for each condition. Let’s say, in your survey, you want to have one priority list for users who are mobile-friendly and a different priority list for users who are laptop-friendly, you can use +Else If condition. You can create criteria for the first condition and add a priority list and in the Else If section, you can add second criteria and second priority list. Once you have done that, add a priority list for Else condition. Now the logic path would start with if condition and if not met, it would go to Else If and the last condition for the logic path would be Else.


Note: Availability of Logic type depends on your subscription plan. Please check before proceeding.