Auto Save Logic
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Auto Save Logic

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Article summary

Auto Save Logic is used when you want to save a particular set of answer choices automatically, depending upon your requirement. It can be based on some criteria or without any cirteria. You can use criteria to determine when to activate Auto Save Logic or you can do it without adding criteria. In the case you don’t have any criteria, the auto save logic would by default select the answer choices that you have marked while creating the logic. 



Example of Auto Save Logic

Let’s check an example of Auto Save Logic in a survey. Let’s say you want to add the logic in Question 4. We will put a condition that would activate Auto Save Logic only when the user selects Yes as the answer choice in Question 1. 


For the logic to work, you need to create criteria that activate when respondents select Yes as their answer choice for Question 1. After that, add logic to the Question and select the Criteria while adding the logic. Also, select the auto save choices. Let’s see how it would work. 


The logic will only work in the survey if the respondents select Yes in Question 1. Once, respondents select Yes, the top two choices in Question 4 would be auto selected. Let’s see how it would work if the respondents select Yes in Question 1. The top two choices are auto selected because of the logic. 

Now if the respondents select No in Question 1, we will see how it would look in Question 4.

This is how it would look if criteria are not met and logic is not activated.



The steps to adding the logic to a question are as follows:


1. Go to the question you want to add the logic to

2. Click on the Logic button on the right side of the question

3. Select Auto Save Logic

4. Select the Criteria or no condition. If you want the logic to activate after a criteria, select the criteria or create the new criteria, as per your need. In case you don’t want to add criteria, simply select the answer choices that you want to be auto-selected. You can also add multiple conditions using +Else If, +If, +Else. Once you select the second condition, you can select the criteria or no criteria and select the answer choices that would be auto-selected once the condition is fulfilled.

5. Select the answer choices that are to be automatically saved

6. Click Save Changes


Note: You can create multiple conditions for auto save by using +Else if, +If Condition and +Else Condition. Select the condition and repeat the process of selecting Criteria and Auto Save options.

By default, the criteria work on the basis of the ‘If’ condition. This means that if the criteria are met, the logic would be activated. If you use +Else If, this would act as the second condition, which would be activated if the first criteria are not met and the second one is met. Similarly, you can add multiple if conditions, and the system would go after each condition one by one, and whichever condition is fulfilled first, that criteria would be triggered.

Read Only Mode: When enabled, the respondents wouldn’t be able to select any other options other than the auto-selected ones.

Note: Availability of the logic type depends on the subscription plan. Kindly check before proceeding.