How To Send Survey Invite Via WhatsApp Collector
  • 24 May 2024
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How To Send Survey Invite Via WhatsApp Collector

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Article summary

You can send a survey invite to respondents with the survey attached to it.

To send an invite to the respondents:

1. Click on the Create Invite button on your WhatsApp collector page

2. Add Recipient using the +Add Recipient button. Once you click on it, you can select the contacts you have already added or you can upload the contacts. If you wish to upload new contacts, you would need to click on Upload. On the next page, download the template file, open it, add the contacts in the format suggested in the template file and upload it on the same popup. If you wish to add contacts from your saved contacts, click on Saved Contacts and select the library folder where your contacts are saved.

WhatsApp collector helps you send your survey link to your respondents via WhatsApp messenger, thus increasing your survey response

3. Once you have added the recipient, select the WhatsApp Message template. These templates are pre-approved and you can create and get them approved on your WhatsApp business account page. While creating a template, you create a name for the template. Enter that name and the template would be selected.

4. Enter the sub-domain name, if applicable.

5. Click Initiate

Note: You can also schedule your invite using API. Under the schedule option, select the API and your invites would be scheduled as per the API.

Note: You need to have a pre-approved template added to your WhatsApp business account.

Adding Custom Data In Your Message

You can add custom data in your template message that would be sent to your respondents. These custom data help you create a personalized message for your respondents.

You can add

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Mobile

  • Unique Id

  • Embedded Data

WhatsApp collector helps you send your survey link to your respondents via WhatsApp messenger, thus increasing your survey response

The template would automatically pick the selected details from your contact. In case, the detail for a particular respondent is not available, the message would omit the particular field and show the remaining message.