Quota Analysis
  • 29 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Quota Analysis

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Article summary

Quota Analysis page allows you to analyze your quota and survey response data that has come through the quota. Quota is essentially used to limit a certain type of response after it has reached a threshold set by you. Let’s say, you have created a survey and you wish to have 50 male and 100 female responses only. You can take the simple way of asking single-choice gender selection questions. On the basis of this question, you can place a quota on the question and set the quota limit.

This would only let 100 female and 50 male responses and once the quota limit is reached, it will either disqualify the response or not count it in the analysis, on the basis of your quota type. Click here to read how you can place a quota limit.

The quota analysis page in the Analyse result lets you analyze the survey response data for each individual quota. You can view the quota and manage them from here.

If you wish to view your quota and its analysis data, you can click on the button under the Action tab.

You can see your quota limit for the question and individual answer choices. We have placed a quota of 5 for Yes and 15 for No. As you can see, there is a total of 10 survey responses for Yes and it is marked in red, showing that it has reached its quota limit.

For No, you can see that there have been only 3 responses and the limit is 15. You can refresh your Quota Analysis by clicking on the Refresh button.

If you wish to edit your Quota, click on Edit and you would be taken back to the Quota page and you would be able to edit your Quota. Click here to read more about how you can create or edit a quota.