Individual Response Overview
  • 30 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Individual Response Overview

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Article summary

Individual response Overview helps you to see the response of every person separately. With the help of this section, you can see the features available such as you can see respondents’ personal details and his response to every question. You can also see the response alongside being able to edit/delete a response from the individual responses page. This section also allows you to change the language of this page to any of the language used in the survey. 

There are multiple features in the section, let’s analyze each of them


  • Responses: This option lets you see all the responses collected in a list. 

  • Search: Click the search button and you can search for an individual response from the list. 

  • Filter: Filter allows you to sort your response data as per your need. Available filters are Individual questions, Collectors, Completion, Time Range and Embedded Data

  • Data Setting: This option allows you to control what information would be visible for a particular response in the Individual Responses Page. You can reduce or increase the fields visible. 

  • Update Embedded Data: You can update Embedded data using this option. You can download the template and upload the updated file in Excel or CSV format. 

  • Actions: This option lets you control what actions can be taken for an individual response. You can edit the response, view the response, delete the response and download it.