How To Create A Bucketing Derived Variable
  • 30 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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How To Create A Bucketing Derived Variable

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Article summary

Derived variables by Survey2Connect allows you to create and add new custom variables to responses after they’ve already been recorded. You can categorize your respondents based on their responses or a pattern of responses to the survey. You can choose from three options available — Bucketing, Logical, Formula.

Example of Bucketing Derived Variable: You’ve captured feedback using an NPS type question in the survey. You can categorize your respondents to Detractors, Passives and Promoters on the basis of the bases of the option selected.


In this piece, we would show how to create a Bucketing derived variable.

How to create a bucketing derived variable

1. Go to Derived Variables section on the Analyse Results page

2. Click on +New Derived Variable button

3. Select Derived Variable Type as bucketing

4. Select Variable name

5. For Bucketing type, select Source. You can select from Questions, Embedded Data or Agents.

6. If you have selected Questions as the Source, Select the question you wish to add. If you have selected Embedded Data, select Source Data. In case you have selected Agents, select the Agents.

7. Name the buckets

8. Drag and drop the options from Source Values to Buckets

9. Click on Create Variable to create the variable.

Note: You can create multiple Buckets by clicking on +Add New Bucket.