  • 24 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Using the filters, you can filter out a particular set of data using conditions. Using filters you can limit the data that would be shown in the analysis part. For example, if you wish to see the data only for the respondents who received the survey through a particular collector type, you can use the filters to do the same. 

You have various available filters to choose from:

Filters in Analyse section helps you sort your response data as per your need

Filter by Questions and Answers: This lets you filter the survey data shown on the basis of a question and its answer choices. For example, if you have selected a particular question –“Have you purchased Jeans and Shirt from Us?” and an answer choice “Yes”, only the data that qualifies for the filter would be shown, which in this case would be the data of the respondents who had selected the Yes as their answer choice for the question. 

Filter by Collector: This lets you filter the survey data shown on the basis of collectors available to collect responses. For example, if you have selected Web Link as the collector for the filter, you would be shown data for only those responses who filled the survey via Web Link. 

Filter by Completeness: This lets you filter the survey data shown on the basis of the completeness of the survey response — Complete response, Partial Response, Disqualified Response. If you have selected Complete, you would only be shown the data for complete responses. 

Filter by Start Time: This lets you filter the survey data on the basis of the start time of the survey response. Only the survey responses that were started during the particular time period would be shown in the section. 

Filter by End Time: This lets you filter the survey data shown on the basis of the end time of the survey response. Only the survey responses that were finished during the particular time period would be shown on screen.

Filter by Respondent Metadata: This lets you filter the survey data on the basis of Metadata like Contact details or Embedded data. Data would be shown only for the selected field would be shown. 


How to apply filter

The steps to adding a filter as follows:

1. Go to Analyse Results section of the survey

2. Click on Question Summary

3. Under Current View, select Filter

You get a variety of filters to choose from in the Analyse Section

4. Select the filter you want to apply

You can select the filter and the question type in the Analyse section

5. Enter the required information

6. Click Apply

After you have applied a filter rule to analyze the survey, you can make changes to the filter itself. You can edit the filter and its rules, filter types and you can also delete the filter. Read to know the steps to edit and delete a filter 


How to edit Filter rules?

You can change the filtering rule once you have applied it. This allows you to make changes to your analysis view without having to delete the filter manually. The steps to editing a filter rule are as follows: 


1. Go to Filter under the Current View

2. Click on the drop-down button on the right side of the filter you want to make changes to

3. Select Edit Rule

Editing filter allows you to change the filtering rules

4. Make changes to the answer choice

last step to editing a filter is finalising the rule

5. Click Apply


How to delete a filter?

Once applied, you can also delete a filter. The steps to deleting a filter rule are as follows:

1. Go to Filter under the Current View

2. Click on the drop-down button on the right side of the filter you want to delete

3. Click Delete 

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