Data Settings
  • 30 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Data Settings

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Article summary

Data Setting allows you to add or remove the information fields shown on the Individual Response Page. Click on the Data Setting and you can select or de-select the fields that will be shown on the page. The options available are:

  • S. No: This option allows you to show or hide the Serial Number of each response

  • Response ID: This option allows you to show or hide the unique Response ID assigned to each response. 

  • Name: This option allows you to show or hide the name of the respondents. This field would be shown empty if you have not asked for the name of the respondent in the survey.

  • Email: This option allows you to show or hide the email of the respondents. This field would be shown empty if you have not asked for the Email address in the survey.

  • Phone: This option allows you to show or hide the phone number of the respondent. This field would be shown empty if you haven’t asked for the number in the survey. 

  • Mode: This option allows you to show or hide the mode from which the response is collected. 

  • Start Time: This option allows you to show or hide the start time of the survey. 

  • Status: This option allows you to show or hide the status of the survey response. If the survey has been completed by the respondent, it would show Complete or partial in the case of the incomplete survey response. 

  • End Time: This option allows you to show or hide the end time of the survey. 

  • Location: If location tracking is enabled, this option would allow you to hide or show the location of the respondent taking the survey.

  • Duration: This option allows you to hide or show the duration the respondent took to fill the survey. 

  • Verification Status: You can use Verification status to show or hide the status of the survey response. If you have approved it from the Details section, it would be shown Approved or Rejected, if you have rejected the survey response. 

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