العودة إلى المنزل

Widgets Overview

Widgets overview page covers all the widget types available to users under the Dashboard creation section. The widgets help you…

Bar Chart Widget

A bar chart is used to presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values…

Pie Chart Widget

Pie Chart is a circular statistical graphic. It is divided into slices to show the numerical proportion of all the…

Donut Chart

The donut chart is a circular statistical graphic, similar to the pie chart. It is divided into slices to show…

Line Graph

A line graph is a type of chart used to show information that changes over time. It uses a linear…

Area Graph

An area graph is a type of chart used to show information that changes over time. Area Graph is based…

Gauge Chart

The gauge chart is similar to Pie Chart and Donut Chart. It uses a needle to indicate the data point.…

NPS Chart

NPS Chart is used to create a widget based on your NPS question in the survey. NPS chart widget arranges…

Data Trends

Data Trends widget is used to show the data trend in your survey result. Data trends track the collective data…

Simple Table

The simple table widget allows you to create a table as a widget. You can customize the table to create…

Response Table

Response Table widget is used to show the survey response for a particular question/ combination variable. This widget is used…


Image widget is used to upload an image to your dashboard. This is used to customize your widget as per…

Rich Text

Rich Text widget is used to create a document file in your dashboard. Using this option, you can create a…


Wordcloud helps you perform the sentiment analysis on your survey data. With this, you can select a question/ combined variables/…


يخبرك عنصر واجهة المستخدم CSAT بمستويات رضا العملاء. تستخدم هذه الأداة البيانات من أسئلة التقييم أو الرسوم البيانية ...

Multi CSAT

تخبرك أداة CSAT بمستويات رضا العملاء. بمساعدة أداة Multi CSAT ، يمكنك ...

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