العودة إلى المنزل

Break By

Break by feature allows you to break your singular data into multiple sets. When you select a metric via Select…

Nested By

Once you have applied Break By on a Metric Data, you can perform further classification of the data using Nested…

Add Second Survey in Source

With Survey2Connect’s Dashboard, you can combine two or more surveys in the Source to create a dashboard based on the…

Group Variable

You add variables in your source while creating the dashboard and all the data you import in the source is…

Combined Variable

When you merge two surveys in the Source, you also enable the option to create Combined Variable. Combined Variable consists…

Filter Piping in Widget Heading

Users can now use the piping feature in the widget heading. This feature comes in handy when the user wants…

Time Range Filter

The Time Range filter option lets you filter your data on the basis of the time range. When applying the…

عرض وضع الميزات لـ Wordcloud

تكتشف أداة Wordcloud المصغرة كلمات المشاعر لتصوير المشاعر التي يشعر بها عملاؤك تجاهك. هذا مفيد إذا كنت ترغب في ...

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