العودة إلى المنزل


The integrations page shows you all the integrations available for you to choose from. There are three options available —…

Create A Survey2Connect Account

You can create your own Survey2Connect account and start creating surveys within minutes. You would require a business email id…

How To Sign Into Your Account

Sign in to your Survey2Connect account and continue where you left off. Follow these steps to ensure that you sign…

Managing Your Account

Survey2Connect’s platform allows you to create, share and analyze DIY surveys by signing in on our platform. Once you have…

Admin Section Overview

Admin or Settings option can be accessed from the home screen of your survey account. Click on the Settings button…

Create & Manage Users

Admin can create multiple users on their account who would have access to the account as a user. You can…

Manage Roles

The roles help you determine the level of access you can provide to your user. For example, if you only…

Manage Your Groups

You can create groups in the admin account to share surveys, themes, tickets, etc to the users in that particular…

Manage Your Agents

With the Agent page, you can manage all your agents. From creating new agents to managing the agents available, you…

System Preferences

System Preferences Page gives you information about your preference for Time Zone and Survey Domain. You can make changes to…

Sender Settings

The sender settings page lets you customize the email address from which the platform email and survey email would be…

Sender Authentication

We have provided the feature that allows users to add their custom emails for receiving platform emails from their preferred mail and they can get their domain authenticated by the SendGrid. Earlier,…

My Account Overview

My Account page gives you all the information you need about your account including your Name, Email, Password, and login…

Create & Delete A Folder

Create A Folder You can create multiple folders in your library. The steps to creating a new folder in My…

My Library Overview

My Library Overview page allows you to keep track of all the data in your library, including themes you have…

Survey Library

The Survey Library section includes all the survey data you have added to your library. You can see all the…

Contacts Overview

The contacts overview page gives you a glimpse into the Contacts section of your account. In the contacts section, you…

How To Create Contact Groups

You can create contact groups from the contacts page. You would need details of the people you want to add…

Manage Contacts Group

Manage Contacts Group page shows you the feature available to you while making changes to contacts group. Once you have…


The directory page allows you to view all the contacts you have added to your various contact groups. They are…

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